Москва, Рязанский проспект д 2 , офис 346
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Пластинчато-роторные вакуумные насосы: «Sliding vane rotary vacuum pumps. Types and characteristics. Positive and negative features of sliding vane rotary vacuum pumps»

Sliding vane rotary vacuum pumps

Sliding vane rotary vacuum pumps are known as most effective pumps because they are able to pump out gases and various vaporous mixtures very quickly in a closed space. It is noteworthy that pumping can be performed from almost any container, regardless of its shape.

The scope of operation is very wide and depends only on how appropriate it is to use this device. Rotary vane pumps with vacuum are in demand in the radio engineering industry, in radio electronics and in the metallurgical environment.

Types and characteristics

There are several vacuum pumps of the rotary vane type:

• Oil pumps. Operation is performed in a closed space, and each element of the working surface has a lubricant.

• Dry pumps. Their functioning is almost the same as in the previous type, but due to the design features, they do not need to use lubricants.

These types of pumps work as follows:

• Air passes through a special opening to the working area;

• Sequential air compression is performed. To make this happen, the rotating rotor plates are installed close to the cylinder, forming almost complete tightness. As a result, the gas gradually moves into a narrower space.

• In the hole where the air enters further, it contracts even more, and then exits through a special hole.

Positive and negative features of sliding vane rotary vacuum pumps

The positive features of the dry type of pumps include the following:

• since there is no substance for lubrication, any excess liquids will not get into the raw material;

• there is no need to carefully measure and track the oil level;

• the price of the device is significantly lower than the other types.

At the same time, sliding vane rotary vacuum pumps have their negative sides. So, they quickly heat up, which is why they wear out faster over time than their counterparts, and also have a relatively small vacuum depth.

At the same time, if we talk about oil pumps of this type due to the presence of lubrication they do not heat up so quickly and they can last longer. Also their operation slightly increases the risk of ingress of any foreign substances into the processed raw materials. In addition to this the user will have to regularly monitor the oil level so that it does not become lower than normal because otherwise the device will not be able to work properly.